Final projects

Game Super Dragone di Philippine Gamedev Expo

Super Dragone, developed by LaSalle College Jakarta Game Art & Design students, has been selected as one of the Indie Game Stars at the Philippine Gamedev Expo.

Super Dragone game, developed by Christya Angel Goewanto and Valentinus Mario Putra L Gunadi from LaSalle College Jakarta Game Art & Design program, has been selected as one of the Indie Game Stars at the Philippine Gamedev Expo. The game was recognized as one of the standout indie games at the Philippine Gamedev Expo. During the event, the students also presented to potential investors, showcasing plans for the game's future development.

This prestigious event is more than just a gaming showcase; it serves as a platform for young local game developers to demonstrate their potential, aiming to capture the attention of industry leaders while spotlighting emerging talent in the indie game scene.