Graduates from LaSalle College Jakarta
Graduates from LaSalle College Jakarta

Student Success

Meet inspiring alumni

A woman with sleek dark hair and striking red lipstick gazes thoughtfully, her pose elegant against a backdrop of pink hues and flora.
Jibal Achmad

Learner highlights

Drawings of avant-garde fashion with structured jackets and fluid skirts in striking blue, showcasing an illustrated modern eclectic style.
Jessy Saphira

Career Services

Career week & campus hiring

LaSalle College Indonesia's 100+ partner companies hire directly from our campus.

74% of our graduates are recruited directly by companies

Our students are in great demand. Our curriculum is designed to provide students with direct exposure to professional industry.

61% of graduates pursue fulfilling careers relevant to their studies

Satisfied alumni in fulfilling careers aligned with their field of study.

LaSalle College's graduates earn higher salaries

LaSalle College Indonesia graduates get starting salaries above minimum wage.


Discover portfolios

Explore the creative output of our students, alumni, and teacher from.